Compass Connect 2024 (CA)
This is for our Compass Canada customers. If you are not from Canada please use the link below for Compass Foundation Registration
This website is for our Compass Canada customers. If you are not from Canada please use this link Compass Foundation Registration

Thursday Program 12:30 PM Registration & Seating 2:00 Cybersecurity Is Everyone's Business - Marvin Martin, Hagerstown, MD 2:45 Break 3:15 Presentation by Sunbeam Wireless 3:30 Panel Discussion "Looking Back Across 20 Years: How the Internet Changed our Business 4:15 What Can AI Do (Well) for You? -Myron Eby, Athens, TN
6:00 Registration & Seating 6:30 How Many Apps Make a Man? - James S Martin, Versailles, MO 7:00 Presentation by Fraud Aware - Lorin Strite, Waynesboro, PA 7:15 Fraudulent Domain Detection - Dave Burkholder, Pittsgrove, NJ - Donald Brechbill, Chambersburg, PA Social critics observe that communication technology intended to connect us can also isolate us. How do the Anabaptist values of brotherhood and family bonds withstand this potential threat? How are we vulnerable? How can we strengthen the integrity of relationships when communication methods change? 8:30 Dismissal |
Friday Program The subjects below will be covered throughout the day, presented by various Compass staff members. As we get closer to the date, it will become clearer whether the attendees will be divided into two groups. If dividing, schedules will be made for each group.8:00 AM Welcome and Orientation 8:15 Reviewing Development Projects It’s been two years since the last public meeting. This talk will review work that has happened since then, and give a preview to the numerous projects that will be discussed in more detail later in the program. 8:45 App Management Many parents and tech committees wish there would be an easier approach. Leaving the commercial app stores open can be a liability for some users, and locking them is highly inconvenient at times. Custom app stores are a compromise, and require high maintenance. We'll discuss the alternate solution of app categories. 9:15 Becoming a DrawBridge Power User How do I create Access Policies for this Device? How do I interpret this usage report? This talk will be given in two parts, focusing on the general business owner as well as on those with more advanced skills. This talk should deepen your familiarity with the many features in your DrawBridge. 10:00 BREAK 10:30 Deploying the DrawBridge The DrawBridgeOS project has received extensive testing and deployment, and is now the only system that’s receiving updates. Some time ago we stopped deploying any new ClearOS-based systems, and it’s now time to develop a strategy to replace those units. If you’re the owner of a ClearOS system, this talk will discuss how to migrate to the latest platform. 11:00 Lost & Found: Data Backup Best Practices Anyone who has owned computers or devices for any years can tell a cautionary tale of how they once lost important data. What are cost-effective ways to keep your personal or business data backed up? Are free cloud storage options secure and private? Whether it’s your family photos or your business accounting records, you can’t afford to procrastinate building backup solutions. 11:30 What’s Available in Our Store? We don’t fix house foundations, as some callers expect, but we do have a variety of products and services for your business and personal technology needs. This will be quick tour of what Compass sells and supports. 11:45 Compass and Your MSP: Allies for Your Network Many businesses we work with employ an MSP or an in-house IT to keep systems running. How can Compass team up with your MSP to provide DrawBridge-related support? Your MSP could be a DrawBridge dealer and take care of all your network needs. 12:00 LUNCH 1:00 PM Managing Video & Streaming Services At every stage of business life, video content has quickly become unavoidable. Training requirements, product assembly demos, trouble-shooting helps, etc. How can Christian businesses manage both the opportunities and liabilities of video media? Our support staff receive many questions along these lines and this talk will review some of the Media Room features. This period will end with open discussion for you to share your views. What thoughts do you have about video and streaming that we should consider? 1:30 Updates on Beacon MDM and Vision Phone Five years into the Vision project, what have we discovered and developed by now? How has our shift to stock hardware improved the current approach to a filtered Android phone experience? 2:15 Network Diagnostic Tool “When my internet goes down, I call Compass before the ISP because it’s easier to get someone on the phone...” This talk introduces a new diagnostic tool developed specifically for situations like that. The more the customer can help himself the better, and if the problem is ours, the more information that can be provided the sooner the situation can be resolved. This talk will give a demo of this new tool. 2:45 BREAK 3:15 Help Me Access This Page An internet filter, by definition, will sometimes display a block message. How can a block page be informative and helpful? AutoFix has been extensively redesigned to be more flexible for end-users, and provide admins with more understanding of how it works. We’ll review these improvements, as well as new workflows that improve communication between end users and accountability contacts. 4:00 Open Discussion Be prepared with your questions from any of the topics, or suggestions for improvements to our services. 5:00 DISMISSAL |